How Bidets Can Prevent Health Problems

Bidet – Control Bacteria

The bidet is an excellent addition to the home for anyone who wants to improve personal hygiene. The bidet makes it much easier to clean up after a bowel movement without spreading bacteria. Controlling bacteria in the bathroom is no small task. With toilet paper, fecal matter can be transferred to the hands easily. From there it can spread to the handle on the toilet, the faucets on the sink, the pump of the soap bottle, or right to the door if children neglect to wash their hands from time to time. The bidet immediately reduces the spread of bacteria in the bathroom.

With the bidet, cleaning up after a bowel movement is a hands-free activity. The only time toilet tissue is needed is for a light dabbing afterwards to take care of extra moisture. Many bidet toilet seats have a warm air drying function so even this contact is eliminated. A bidet is also more effective at washing away bacteria. Dry toilet paper can just spread the bacteria around, while the water from a bidet washes it away and reduces the spread of bacteria greatly. If you’re looking for a way to improve personal hygiene without a lot of effort, this is it.

The bidet can help prevent health problems in other ways as well. The stream of water from a bidet toilet seat is often used to ease constipation. Applying a massaging jet to the anal area will stimulate a bowel movement for many people. This is a safe and natural way to deal with constipation. Individuals who have sensitive skin may find many cases of dryness and irritation in the genital area clearing up once a bidet is installed in the home. Toilet paper can be very irritating with perfume and other additives, but water is fresh, clean, and very soothing to the skin.

Genital cleanliness is very important to overall health. Though it’s easy to neglect this area, keeping it clean will prevent many problems such as urinary tract infections and yeast infections for women. Hemorrhoids may become aggravated and worsen with the use of dry, abrasive toilet paper. The fresh stream of water from a bidet will not only keep the area clean, it will also keep these types of health problems from worsening in any way. A bidet is much cleaner than toilet paper. You can install one on almost any toilet and add this fixture to your bathroom quickly and easily.