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Bidet ( bee-dáy) is a personal cleansing method utilizing a stream of water, which is more hygienic and beneficial to the use of toilet paper.
The word bidet was first used in the 15th century to refer to the pet ponies kept by the French royalty. During the 19th century the Europeans developed a porcelain cleaning device for contraceptive and purgative (cathartic) uses, which was called a bidet for its shape resembled those ponies. Over time, its use has evolved more into a personal cleansing method, paralleling the improved sanitation and the heightened sense of personal hygiene in the modern world. For several decades now, bidet has been a welcome addition to the bathroom culture of Europeans and Asians.


Throughout history of ancient Asia, a way to healthful longevity was through addressing the three basic most physiologic needs of humans: adequate sleep, healthy diet and healthy, regular bowel/bladder habits. Though they are all essential, the last criterion is especially notable for us in the modern society because more and more of major illnesses in adults are being recognized as gastrointestinal and genito-urinary related. Hemorrhoids, constipation, gastrointestinal cancers, prostatitis, urinary tract infections, and gynecologic problems are all too commonly seen.
As a medical doctor in Japan who specializes in healthy living and longevity, Dr. Morita Genzo believes that a lot of the illnesses and infections may simply be prevented by the habit of cleansing the ano-gential (genito-anal) area with warm water after having bowel movements. It also benefits blood circulation and physiologic rhythm, contributing further to a healthier life-style.

Bidet in U.S

Its use had initially been limited to a small faction of people mainly because it involved installing another toilet-resembling unit in the bathroom, which basically meant that space, plumbing, and most of all, the cost became the limiting factors in widespread use. The practice of using a bidet however, is now very much ubiquitous in Europe and Asia, which can partly be attributed to new product developments that eliminated such limiting factors.

In the U.S., bidet is not yet common, and it has been receiving slow but warm reception. One may recall a humorous scene in the Hollywood movie "Dumb and Dumber" where a bidet was mistaken for a toilet by one of the not-so-bright main characters. But bathroom humor aside, bidet has long been implemented in many luxury hotels and many of the clients go on to installing them at home as well.

New era of Attachable Bidet.

Our products are designed to be installed onto the existing toilet using a few tools. When the user is ready to finish up in the bathroom, a simple turn of the knob will initiate a stream of water. The stream can be controlled, and is aimed to cleanse the genito-anal region of the user while still remaining seated on the toilet. This is far thorough cleaning, making it more hygienic. It is also far superior over the conventional bidets because it does not require the additional space to install, but best of all, it allows the user to remain seated instead of having to move over to sit on the bidet after finishing on the toilet. It is intuitive that because of the anatomy of the area, using a dry toilet paper to clean is inevitably going to leave residues, leaving the area prone for bacterial growth and infections.

As a testament of one of the benefits of water over the paper use, in cultures where water cleansing is traditionally the preferred practice, such as in Indonesia, Middle Eastern or South-West Asian countries, hemorrhoids are occur with much less frequency than others..

Switch to a Bidet & Save

Use less toilet paper and achieve superior cleaning results!


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